“When an instrument reaches a child, it is the entire family that begins to enjoy art, culture, and hard, daily, and team work.”
Teamwork, commitment, rigor, and the ability to meet goals are a few of the benefits of music, which notably improves the academic performance of those who practice it. Various studies have associated academic achievement with the child's environment, his or her family, the level of education of his or her parents, and the classroom.
“Music promotes discipline, a vital component to obtain achievements. When the child learns for his or her own experience it is more powerful than a system of rewards and punishments, as he or she exerts effort towards a goal and gets, in return, an achievement, a realization of that goal. It's another method of learning.”
“This learning experience achieves results from the very beginning, which teaches the student the value of work and effort. This brings forth the self-affirmation of the child, an improvement in the child's self-esteem.”
“Through the experience of learning to play an instrument, we strengthen, also, the character and will [of the child].”
“[Music] imparts discipline to students, including to those who have none. In the Harmony-Pochote Orchestra, this was achieved not only through hours of practice, but also by instilling in the students the concept that it is worth the effort to make sacrifices, because afterwards there is a payoff and applause.”
“The professors taught the children to physically take an instrument, this way the interaction between the professor and the student is closer. It puts the students on equal footing, which is favorable for learning and creates a commitment between the student and the teacher.”
“Participation in an orchestra also develops teamwork: to play a musical piece you must do so in a group.”
As the months pass, we've seen how the character of these children has matured, how the best has been brought out of each of them, and how, in spite of the difficulties which they face, they continue to be present in classes and practices.
In terms of the psychosocial state of the child and youth participants, the results yield happiness, a sense of responsibility, a better use of free time, the strengthening of values of coexistence, the development of communicative competencies, and the amplification of social networks.
As for the communities and educational institutions, among the benefits of the project include the prospect of future coexistence, thanks to the adequate formation of the children, the feeling of social inclusion (especially amongst the displaced population), and the strengthening of local culture and artistic education.
Entry in the program is associated with a desire to learn to play a musical instrument, to make better use of one's free time, the possibility to become closer to friends or develop new relationships, curiosity in the face of expectations, and the desire to participate in a concert.
Permanence in the project is marked by a feeling of motivation inspired by the music, and the satisfaction inherent in the learning process. Desertion, for its part, is principally related to limitations due to responsibilities in school, work, and family; lack of motivation or predominance of other activities; and a lack of parental support.
By evaluating psychosocial development, it can be affirmed that the majority of the students perceive changes, thanks to the Project.
Today, the children and youth that take part in the Project feel satisfied with themselves, as reflected in basic aspects such as the ability to recognize his or her own capacities and talents, and the ability to obtain recognition from family and friends.
These children and youth take more care in their personal appearance, thanks to their desire to feel good about themselves, and with others. The happiness felt is connected to the recognition of the link between music and emotional life, the happiness inherent in learning, and the value attributed to one's self. Due to their connection to the program, the children and youth now make better use of their free time, which makes the program an important protective factor, minimizing the probability of at-risk behaviors.
Academic achievement is another factor which has experienced positive changes from the moment in which the students began to take part in the program, along with developing other cognitive abilities such as creativity and abstract capacity (Tutoring Program).
In addition to musical education, this strategy produces psychosocial accompaniment, generating a space in which the students construct a social network, strengthen their integral development, promote values, and establish emotional bonds.
Today the “Harmony Family” is proud of each and every one of our students, who have demonstrated to us that this process of “Social Symbiosis” is already yielding its first fruits here in Pochote, thanks to the effort and the strength of spirit that characterize our students as the “future of our towns.”
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