Tuesday, June 9, 2009


The year 2008 marked the beginning of the Harmony Academic Support program. This program began as a result of the initiative of Mrs. Terry Lee Thomson, aiming to support the boys and girls of the Public Elementary School of Pochote, who for various reasons are not reaching their academic potential. Jennifer Cerdas, the professional in charge of the program, has managed to win the hearts of these boys and girls.

Today, we're able to see that the first results of the program are very satisfactory, and this gives us energy to continue forward. Jennifer's Classroom is a reality, and our boys and girls now have a dedicated study space and didactic materials to reinforce their learning in the areas in which the students show deficiencies.

Thank you Jennifer! Your support has been, and will continue to be, priceless. The smiles of our students is the main motivation to continue working.

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